x's and o's | summit, nj family lifestyle children photographer

I always love shooting mini sessions at Murray & Finn because the backdrop is simple and the main focus is just the children.  These kiddos brought their favorite lovies, dollies and in one case his favorite soccer ball to the shoot and we had a great time.   Sometimes just 15 minutes is all you need to get a few sweet images of your children at this time of their lives.  I actually just read a quote today from Reese Witherspoon that she recently said in an interview.  She said, "Take one nice picture of the kids every year.  It's important that they feel loved, cherished, and remembered for each year of their lives.  Plus, it's a great tradition for them to have with their own families one day too."  I couldn't agree more Reese!

I'll be announcing a day of Mother's Day minis at Murray & Finn in the upcoming weeks.  Make sure you like my Facebook page and put your name on my mailing list (to the left here <<---) to get first dibs!